Saturday, March 25, 2006

Something for the geek inside us all

I got this from a friend recently. She had issues with it because she felt that "and" implied addition rather than multiplication. I pointed out to her that in binary mathematics, the "and" operation was equivalent to multiplication. She accused me of being a bigger geek than her.

What can I say? It's an occupational hazard of designing digital logic for a living for the past 20 years.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. And thanks to foorider for explaining to me how to post an image. (Hey, I design hardware, not software!)


Blogger Foo said...

I have looked over your figure and find your proof eminently logical.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Foo said...

Erm... figures, that is.

11:28 AM  

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